
I want to be a good player

I want to change something in my gaming life: I want to focus on playing, rather than GM'ing. I'll try to be a good player.

A change of perspective

Since I rediscovered the role playing hobby about 10 year ago, I've mostly ran the games as DM, referee, GM, however you want to call it. In essence, I made assumptions about how the game should be run, and tried to stick to those assumptions while running the games. It's not that I don't try to take any feedback into account, my players give me. Probably, and hopefully, most GMs are conscious of that. But still, that's how it goes for most of us, I guess. You have an idea of a game you'd like to happen, and then you'll try to run it that way.

The thing is, while I liked the games I ran so far, and while I feel they provided some decent entertainment for our group, I also found them lacking in some respects. Some things I'd imagine I'd like as a player, simply did never happen, or to a much lesser extent, than I'd hoped for. That's o.k., I don't blame anyone, except possibly myself for running the games based too much on assumptions of what I as a player would like to see.

Honoring great games

Here's another reason: there are great games being run in our online community all the time. The Monday Games run by @kensanata, @phf and other referees on our Grenzland Discord Server. I feel I've missed out on a lot of great gaming sessions. I hope I can pick up some of the neglected characters I had start out in those games at some point, and play them, while those campaigns are still running.

My Resolution

I'll try to:

Let's play play those roles! Let's play those characters to the hilt!

PS: I'll still run games, for sure, but I'll make no promises about when. The Grenzland-Kampagne is on hiatus now for the summer months. Once Fall comes around and any of the players will ask for a session, I'll probably run it anyway. Maybe not on a regular schedule, though, since I need time for playing 😉

Please send any comments or questions to wandererbill@betola.de or @wandererbill@tabletop.social

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